About space exploration and the stars

deutscher Text

Published: 1. August 2018, updated: 2. Juli 2023


Some time ago I read in the magazines of the „Initiative for Bornich“, a local alliance in my home village, where are always very interesting contributions from a family research perspective.

In the most recent issue no. 1 of October 2010, I came across an article by Marita Zorbach on the research of Paul Debus from Bornich regarding his relationship with Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus (*Nov. 29, 1908 in Frankfurt, +Oct. 10, 1983 in Cocoa Beach, FL, USA), the first and longtime director of the Kennedy Space Center.

Kurt H. Debus - About space exploration and the stars
Kurt H. Debus

NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Alternatively, rather use the link to the picture at Wikimedia Commons?

Under his leadership succeeded following missions:

Research by Paul Debus

Paul Debus found out that ancestors of Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus came from Bornich and he is related to him.

Since I knew from my parents that there is also a relationship between Paul Debus and us (in fact, there are even at least four different kinship connections, three about my mother and one about my father), I suspected that I could be related with Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus too.

Genealogical relationships of the Stern family to Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus

And in fact, I even found two relationships between us. But since both run on Wilhelm Bauer, my maternal grandfather, my sister and I are the first „connections between the rocket scientist and the stars“.

In detail, the connections are as follows:

First relationship Debus – Stern

Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus and Jens-Peter Stern are 4th cousins 3. degree. Their common ancestor is Johann Philipp Debus.


While the line „Stern| Bauer | Laubach | Debus“ (in the table on the left) leads to the first marriage of Johann Philipp Debus on 25 Nov 1751 with Elisabetha Margaretha Römer, the „pure Debus line“ (in the table on the right) is linked with the second marriage of Johann Philipp Debus, which was closed on 12 March 1772 with Maria Juliana Becker.

Debus Genealogy - About space exploration and the stars

Second relationship Debus – Stern

The second relationship goes back to 6 Jun 1875. On this day married in Bornich Marie Elisabethe Laubach, an ancestor of the above first relationship and the ancestor of the second relationship described below, Georg Caspar Laubach.

The fact that I have found 20 kindred relationships between the two is not uncommon „at the village“ at this time. The closest relationship is as follows:

Georg Caspar Laubach and Marie Elisabethe Laubach are 2nd cousins 1. degree. Their common ancestors are Johann Wilhelm Schupp and Maria Catharina Becker.


But back to Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus and the second relationship with me. This comes together with Johann Emmerich Debus (* 1694).

Debus Genealogy - About space exploration and the stars

Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus and Jens-Peter Stern are 6th cousin 3. degree. Their common ancestors are Johann Emmerich Debus and NN NN.


Key data about Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus

Below are the key data until the birth of Dr. Ing. Kurt Heinrich Debus in a short summary.

Debus Genealogy - About space exploration and the stars

The story begins before 1670 in Bornich

Geburt von Johann Emmerich Debus

Johann Emmerich Debus wird vor 1670, wahrscheinlich in Bornich, geboren.

Geburt von Philipp Hartmann Debus

Philipp Hartmann Debus, der Sohn von Johann Emmerich, wird am 6. Februar 1700 in Bornich geboren.

Heirat von Philipp Hartmann Debus und Maria Margaretha NN

Philipp Hartmann Debus heiratet am 10. November 1727 in Bornich Maria Margaretha, deren Nachname unbekannt ist.

Geburt von Johann Philipp Debus

Am 15. Januar 1729 kommt in Bornich Johann Philipp Debus, der Sohn von Philipp Hartmann und Maria Margaretha zur Welt.

Heirat von Johann Philipp Debus und Elisabetha Margaretha Römer

Johann Philipp Debus heiratet am 25. November 1751 in Bornich Elisabetha Margaretha Römer.

Heirat von Johann Philipp Debus und Maria Juliana Becker

Nach dem Tod seiner ersten Frau, heiratet Johann Philipp Debus am 12. März 1772 in Bornich Maria Juliana Becker.

Geburt von Johann Wilhelm Debus

Am 28. Juli 1776 kommt in Bornich Johann Wilhelm Debus, als zweites Kind der beiden zur Welt.

Heirat von Johann Wilhelm Debus und Maria Catharina Müller

Johann Wilhelm Debus wird Schneidermeister und heiratet am 26. Juli 1802 in Bornich Maria Catharina Müller.

Geburt von Georg Wilhelm Debus

Am 2. April 1815 wird in Bornich Georg Wilhelm Debus, als Sohn von Johann Wilhelm und Maria Catharina geboren.

Heirat von Georg Wilhelm Debus und Christiane Catharine Michel

Am 30. Januar 1842 heiratet der Maurer und Ackersmann Georg Wilhelm Debus in Bornich Christiane Catharine Michel.

Geburt von Philipp Adam Debus

Als Sohn der beiden wird am 29. Sep 1856 in Bornich Philipp Adam Debus geboren. Er wird später Professor in Frankfurt am Main.

Heirat von Philipp Adam Debus und Katharina Klaus

Am 28. April 1879 heiratet Philipp Adam Debus in Frankfurt am Main die aus Schmitten stammende Katharina Klaus.

Geburt von Heinrich Peter Jacob Debus

Am 4. Juli 1879 wird in Frankfurt am Main der spätere Buchhalter und Wirtschaftsprüfer Heinrich Peter Jacob Debus geboren.

Geburt von Kurt Heinrich Debus

Kurt Heinrich Debus kommt am 29. November 1908 in Frankfurt als Sohn von Heinrich Peter Jacob und Melly F. Graulich zur Welt.

On the life and work of Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus – from his education, through the period of National Socialism in Germay, Operation Paperclip to the Kennedy Space Center – as well as to his family, I refer to the literature that is sufficiently available on the Internet.

Here I recommend the two articles in the Englisch and German Wikipedia and in particular the extensive essay „Dr. Kurt H. Debus: Launching a Vision“ by Carey M. McCleskey and David L. Christensen.

Source documents

Author (s)TitlePublisher / OfferYearISBNRemarks
Brückner, ReinerOrtsfamilienbuch der evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Bornich im Dekanat St. Goarshausen der Jahre 1708 – 1900 - sowie Erklärungen zu den Bildern der Bornicher KircheBornich | DER BUCHLADEN, Schulstr. 1, 56348 Bornich2009--
McCleskey, Carey M. | Christensen, David L.Dr. Kurt H. Debus: Launching a VisionInternational Astronautical Federation (IAF), Paris2001--
Zorbach, MaritaDebus-Krater „hinter“ dem Mond? | Verbindung nach Bornich mit Besitzrechten?Vierteljahresschrift:
„Initiative für Bornich
– Magazin

56348 Bornich
Issue No. 1, October 2010, pages 6 and 7--
Wikipedia authors, see respective version historyWikipedia, Die freie EnzyklopädieWikimedia Foundation Inc.
149 New Montgomery Street Floor 6
San Francisco, CA 94105
--The used articles are linked.
-Das Geschichtliche Orts-VerzeichnisCompGen
Verein für Computergenealogie e. V.
c/o Horst Reinhardt
Piccoloministraße 397a
51067 Köln
--The used articles are linked.

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This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. If applicable, other license rights remain unaffected. This applies in particular to photos from church books and the use of our family coat of arms (please refer to the imprint)!
Copyright © by Jens-Peter Stern | familie-stern.de