Top Ancestors

Deutscher Text

Published: 19. Mai 2019, updated: 16. September 2024

Our top ancestors – the oldest ancestors in the individual ancestral lines for which data are missing for the parents – come from the locations shown in the following map, whereby the color coding differentiates according to the main lines as follows …

Stern Family Main lines

In the map menu on the left, the view can be switched to full screen mode („Vollbild ansehen“).

The individual main line levels can be switched on and off using the „Browser öffnen“ button. In addition, a tabular list of places can be displayed there using „Daten anzeigen“.

The background map can be changed with „Hintergrundkarte ändern“.

A list in alphabetical order is available as a text document….

To assign people to places, I recommend using the place hierarchy or the list of individuals in the ancestral database.

The top ancestors of our eight name lines are described in more detail in the following article (German)…

An overview of the top ancestors, with which I can not get any further at the moment can be found here…

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Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Lizenz. Ggf. zu beachtende andere Lizenzrechte bleiben hiervon unberührt. Dies gilt insbesondere für Fotos aus Kirchenbüchern und die Verwendung unseres Familienwappens (siehe Impressum)!
This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. If applicable, other license rights remain unaffected. This applies in particular to photos from church books and the use of our family coat of arms (please refer to the imprint)!
Copyright © by Jens-Peter Stern |