Content in English

Some content is available in English …

Remarks for genealogistsA few remarks to this website.englisch text
News (Neuigkeiten)What's new?englisch text
Top ancestorsThe oldest ancestors in the individual ancestral lines for which data are missing for the parents.englisch text
Deadlocks in family research (Tote Punkte)Top ancestors, with which I can not get any further at the moment.englisch text
Family Stories (Familiengeschicht(e))An overview of the family history articles.englisch text
On the trail of the emigrants to the United StatesA few lines to some of our interesting emigrants to the US.englisch text
Bandits and cartoonsThe "Groß complex" from Miehlen | About the genealogy of Johannes "Schinderhannes" Bückler and Walter Elias "Walt" Disney.englisch text
The Obermayers, a widely traveled familyAn ancestral line that has been migrated from Upper Austria to Franconia, further to Baden and to the Middle Rhine. One family member has gone to North America.englisch text
About space exploration and the starsAbout the genealogy of Dr. Kurt Heinrich Debus, (born Nov. 29, 1908 in Frankfurt / Main, deceased Oct. 10, 1983, Cocoa Beach, FL), Director of the Kennedy Space Center.englisch text
Ancestral topography A topographic map of our ancestors.
Node viewAn alternative view of our ancestors database.englisch text
FeedbackA contact form.englisch text
ImprintThe imprint of this website.englisch text

In addition, the ancestral database can be changed to other languages. Please select the desired English language form (American / British) or čeština in the menu item „Sprache“.

Some of the biographies of our ancestors in WikiTree are written bilingually in German/English.

Please also note that there is an English version of the Mastodon messaging service.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Lizenz. Ggf. zu beachtende andere Lizenzrechte bleiben hiervon unberührt. Dies gilt insbesondere für Fotos aus Kirchenbüchern und die Verwendung unseres Familienwappens (siehe Impressum)!
This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. If applicable, other license rights remain unaffected. This applies in particular to photos from church books and the use of our family coat of arms (please refer to the imprint)!
Copyright © by Jens-Peter Stern |